A downloadable tool for Windows

Hello guys!

This is a different project that I have been working on because this is not a game or game asset, it is a browser.

I named it the "Dome Browser" because I thought It sounded good.

This is still V1.0 so please don't laugh or insult it.

If you think that something should be added, please comment stating what I should add or what I should fix as well.

I am working on another software as well but that's another project release.

It is completely free and this is my first Visual Basic project.

Stay tuned for more!


Dome Browser (V1.0).zip 26 kB

Install instructions

1. Unzip the .zip file when you get the software.

2. When you unzip it, just run the .exe file and the browser will start.

Note: The .exe file is named "Webbrowser"


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can you make one of chrome os it sounds cool


Okay, I'll try!

Sadly, I couldn't, sorry

The browser is for windows only


It’s ok